Stadim Focus 3: Stability, optimism and resilience rule Belgian logistics market

The Belgian logistics real estate has shown great resilience in the first half of 2024. Demand for semi-industrial and logistics properties has stayed strong in recent months and prime rents are still going up, albeit at a slower rate. But what impact does the greater demand for decentralization have? And how do do floods and other increasingly frequent climate risks influence the value of logistics properties? Read all about it in our new Stadim Focus - logistics real estate in the first half of 2024.

Stadim Focus 2: Sustainability transitions in the Belgian office market

Happy to announce Volume II of StadimFocus, our periodic real estate market analysis. In this edition, we shine a spotlight on the Belgian office market, which is currently undergoing a significant transition to better meet the demands of investors and tenants. We explore prime rents and yields in the country's major cities, with a particular focus on the capital, and delve into the sustainability drivers, frameworks, instruments, and strategies that are revitalising the market after its recent decline. Key topics include reconversion, building certifications, and investments in eco-friendly offices and workplaces that enhance employees' lives. To conclude, we provide an analysis of the Carbon Risk Real Estate Monitor (CRREM) and a comparative study that clearly demonstrates the value of this innovative carbon reduction tool in protecting real estate from stranding.

Stadim Focus 1: Logistics & Industry Belgium

We proudly present the first edition of Stadim Focus, a market report that zooms in on a specific real estate market. This inaugural Stadim Focus examines the current logistics real estate world, providing insights into the effects of inflation stabilisation, persistent space shortages, and rising prime rents and yields. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is also becoming an integral part of this real estate sector.

Kotkompas 2023

Stadim en DiggitStudentLife publiceren de vierde editie van het Kotkompas. We geven een update van de Belgische studentenaantallen en de top 10 studentensteden, lichten de evolutie in huurprijzen en investeringsmarkt toe, interviewen 3 stakeholders binnen de Belgisch én Europese studentenhuisvestingsmarkt, brengen u een status rond AI en ESG én toetsen alles af aan de resultaten van onze survey met 1500 respondenten.

Kotkompas 2022

For the third year in a row, Diggit Studentlife and Stadim release the Kotkompas. The 2022 study shows that the shortage of (affordable) student accommodation remains acute. The Kotkompas 2022 maps the Belgian student housing market and rental price evolution. To obtain a more correct price comparison, we introduce the concept of the COT (cost of tenancy). The ESG theme increasingly dominates debates around student housing.

Kotkompas 2021

Stadim & Diggit StudentLife launch the Kotkompas 2021. The report gives an update of the Belgian market of student housing and covers among others the evolution of the number of students, the Top 10 student cities, etc.

Kotkompas 2020

By 2030 there will be a need for 95,000 more student homes in Belgium. This is one of the conclusions of a market study by Stadim & Diggit StudentLife. Kotkompas 2020 tries to bring greater understanding and clarity to the student housing market.